A Root Canal You Can Smile About: Introducing GentleWave Technology

A root canal is a common dental procedure. It can save a tooth by cleaning out the inside and refilling it with material that is resistant to infection. Many people fear root canals because of the myths they have heard about the procedure. But advancements in technology are making root canals even more comfortable and efficient than ever before. 

GentleWave is the latest technology in root canal therapy. Through this method patients are experiencing faster recovery and fewer repeat procedures. Learn more about GentleWave technology and what it can do for you. 

What is a Root Canal? 

A root canal is a procedure that removes the dental pulp, the soft tissue at the center of each tooth contained within the root canal. This may be done to treat an infected tooth or to prevent an infection from setting in. After the dental pulp is removed, the root canal is thoroughly cleaned and disinfected, then filled with a replacement material that is resistant to infection and helps preserve the structure of the tooth. 

What is GentleWave? 

GentleWave is a new, advanced method of performing root canals. Using a combination of fluids and acoustic technology, the root canal is gently and thoroughly flushed out, removing all infected and non-infected tissue. It is especially effective for teeth with complex root canal systems. 

The GentleWave Difference 

In a traditional root canal procedure the root canal is cleaned out using dental tools such as files that scrape the walls of the root canal to remove dental pulp. GentleWave uses fluids moved by acoustic energy to clear out the dental pulp, which is more effective at reaching even microscopic areas. This method is more comfortable during the procedure and allows for faster recovery afterwards. 

Benefits of GentleWave Technology for Root Canals

GentleWave technology was developed to improve root canal therapy in a variety of ways. Benefits include: 

Frequently Asked Questions About GentleWave

Is GentleWave safe? 

GentleWave is even safer than traditional methods for root canals. It is a non-toxic, non-invasive, and natural way to disinfect a tooth and restore its health. 

Am I a candidate for GentleWave? 

If you have one or more teeth that need a root canal, you are most likely a candidate for GentleWave. The majority of teeth that need root canal therapy can be saved using GentleWave technology. 

Where Can I Get GentleWave? 

If you are interested in having your root canal performed with GentleWave technology, Heart of Texas Endodontics provides this option. We have seen the many benefits of this new and improved method of root canal therapy and would be happy to see if you are a candidate. 

Contact us to learn more and schedule an appointment. 

What Happens If You Don't Get a Root Canal?

A root canal is a tooth-saving procedure. When a tooth is infected, root canal therapy can treat the infection and repair the tooth. A tooth that is severely decayed or damaged may be at risk of infection, and root canal therapy can prevent bacteria from invading the tooth. 

But what happens if you need a root canal and don’t get one? The outcome may not be favorable. Learn about the importance of timing when it comes to root canal therapy. 

What is a Root Canal? 

The root canal is the inner chamber of a tooth that begins at the lower portion of the crown and extends down into the root. It contains dental pulp, soft tissue made up of blood vessels and nerves that sustain the tooth. Root canal therapy is a procedure that is performed on the root canal tissue. 

During a root canal, a small hole is made in the crown of the tooth to access the root canal. The dental pulp is extracted from the tooth and the root canal is flushed out and disinfected. The tooth is filled with a replacement material that fortifies the tooth and is resistant to infection. In most cases a crown will be placed over the tooth following root canal therapy.

Reasons for Root Canal Therapy

Root canal therapy may be recommended in the following cases: 

Why You Should Not Put Off a Root Canal 

If your dentist recommends a root canal, it is best to get it taken care of as soon as possible. A tooth that is already infected needs root canal therapy right away to save the tooth and stop the infection from spreading to your other teeth and oral tissues. 

Root canal therapy that is performed proactively on a tooth that is at a high risk of infection can prevent you from getting a toothache and offers a greater chance of saving the tooth. The longer you wait, the higher your risk of pain and the potential for tooth loss. 

Frequently Asked Questions About Root Canal Therapy

Is a root canal painful? 

The idea that root canal therapy is painful is a myth. Local anesthesia is used for root canal procedures so that you won’t feel any pain. If you are anxious about the procedure, we offer sedation options to help you feel more relaxed. 

How long does a root canal take? 

The average root canal procedure for a single tooth takes anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour. If there are multiple teeth that need therapy or if a tooth has a particularly complex root structure, the procedure could take 90 minutes. 

Why Go to an Endodontist for Root Canal Therapy?

Endodontists specialize in root canal therapy and other endodontic procedures that restore the health of the teeth from the inside. Heart of Texas Endodontics has the expertise and advanced technology that offers the best chance of saving your teeth and keeping them in place for the rest of your life. 

Call 254-778-4400 or contact us today to learn more and schedule an appointment. 

How Does Sedation Dentistry Work?

Sedation dentistry helps dental patients of all ages relax and feel at ease during a variety of dental procedures. Generally, there are three different options for sedation dentistry. All three options offer effective ways to manage dental anxiety and can be tailored to suit your specific requirements, sometimes combining different methods.

It's best to talk to your dentist if you think you need or could benefit from sedation dentistry. You might be surprised at how much easier sedation dentistry can make your trips to the dentist.

Inhalation Sedation

Nitrous oxide, commonly known as laughing gas, is a widely utilized technique for alleviating mild to moderate anxiety. This colorless and odorless gas, mixed with oxygen, doesn't irritate your nose or mouth.

A soothing sensation will permeate your entire body within a few minutes of inhaling the gas, inducing relaxation. While you remain fully conscious and aware of your surroundings, recovery is swift, enabling you to resume your regular activities without delay (you can drive yourself to and from the appointment without concern).

Oral Sedation

Oral sedation is a widely adopted approach that is simple and needle-free. Your dentist will prescribe a pill to take approximately an hour before your appointment. By the time you arrive at our office, you'll be relaxed and prepared for your dental procedure.

Typically, in the form of anti-anxiety medication, oral sedation effectively quells apprehension related to your visit. However, given the sedative nature of the pill, you'll need a companion to accompany you to the appointment, as you won't be able to drive.

IV Sedation

In certain IV sedation scenarios, patients take a small pill about an hour before treatment, as previously described. Upon arriving at our practice, the staff will start an IV to administer the sedation medication. You will usually continue to receive this medication through your IV throughout the procedure to help you remain calm. You may feel like you are dreaming or have no recollection of the procedure at all.

With IV sedation dentistry, we can efficiently complete various procedures, all in a single office visit and with maximum patient comfort. You will need to bring someone with you to give you a ride home after receiving IV sedation for your dental procedure.

Who Can Benefit from Sedation Dentistry?

Dentists often recommend sedation dentistry for those patients with:

Learn More about Sedation Dentistry at Heart of Texas Endodontics

At Heart of Texas Endodontics, we know that dental procedures can sometimes invoke fear or anxiety. Our goal is to keep you as relaxed as possible before and during your treatment. You can count on our team to explain your available sedation options and guide you to select the right one for your individual needs.

To learn more about sedation dentistry or to schedule a consultation, contact us today at 254-778-4400 or request an appointment online.

Will a Cracked Tooth Heal on its Own?

A cracked tooth is a common occurrence. The chances of a cracked tooth increase as you age because your tooth enamel weakens over time. Chronic teeth grinding, biting down on something hard, or using your teeth to open something hard could also cause a tooth to crack. 

If you know or suspect that you have a cracked tooth, you may be wondering if it will heal on its own or if it needs treatment. Here’s what you should do if you have a cracked tooth. 

How Do You Know If Your Tooth Has a Crack? 

If the crack in your tooth is not visible or obvious, it can be more difficult to diagnose. Here are some common signs and symptoms of a cracked tooth:

Does a Cracked Tooth Need Treatment?

A cracked tooth should be treated as soon as possible. If you suspect that you have a cracked tooth, contact your endodontist right away. The crack will not heal on its own, it will only worsen and reduce the chances of saving the tooth. A cracked tooth is at risk for infection. Bacteria can enter the root canal through the crack and infect the dental pulp. If the infection is not treated or if the crack extends too far, the tooth may need to be extracted. 

How is a Cracked Tooth Treated? 

Cracked tooth treatment typically involves root canal therapy and placement of a crown. Root canal therapy treats or prevents infection by removing the dental pulp from the inside of the tooth and filling it with a replacement material that is resistant to infection. The tooth is able to remain in place with a crown placed over it. 

When is a Cracked Tooth Untreatable?

In some cases a crack in a tooth is too severe for the tooth to be saved. If a crack begins in the crown of the tooth and extends under the gums it maynot be repairable. This is called a split tooth because the tooth is essentially split in half even though the pieces may still be connected. A split tooth will need to be extracted and replaced with a bridge or dental implant. 

Who Can Treat a Cracked Tooth?

A cracked tooth can be treated by an endodontist. An endodontist is a dentist who specializes in restoring the health of your teeth from the inside out. This makes them especially qualified to treat a cracked tooth. Endodontists perform root canals along with other endodontic procedures. If you have a tooth that is at high risk of infection or already infected because of a crack, an endodontist may have the best chance of saving the tooth. 

Why Choose Heart of Texas Endodontics?

Heart of Texas Endodontics provides prompt, effective treatment for cracked teeth. We do all that we can to save your tooth if possible. The sooner you come to us regarding a cracked tooth, the higher the chances that we will be able to save it. 

Call 254-778-4400 or contact us today to schedule an appointment. 

Can I Get a Root Canal While Pregnant?

Celebration tinged with anxiety aptly describes most expecting mothers’ lives today where they constantly worry about their own health as well as that of their unborn child's well-being. 

Mothers-to-be ponder over questions regarding how various medical procedures like root canal treatment would affect them or not during pregnancy phase; bringing up several concerns about safety aspects before getting a procedure like this done.

Unarguably, root canal procedure has now become widespread across dentistry clinics all around us; however when dealing with pregnant women, relevant questions defy precise answers regarding its efficacy.

This informative piece talks about potential risks, common concerns and standard precautions needed to be taken in order to ensure maximum safety for both mother and baby during the execution of root canal procedures.

Understanding root canals and their purpose

Understanding what root canal procedures during pregnancy entail as well as their necessity is fundamental before diving into their safety during pregnancy evaluation.

Root canals are dental procedures aimed at eliminating infected or damaged pulp from within a tooth that often results from decay or trauma, among other reasons, leading to inflammation of nerves and blood vessels contained in it. With proper removal of affected pulp tissues by dentists through careful cleaning and shaping of root channels, this helps save teeth while alleviating pain hence restoring function often followed by crown placement over filled up spaces using biocompatible materials. 

While considered safe with local anesthesia, providing comfort through an emergency appointment for this procedure, relieving dental pain, and maintaining functional teeth status always raise flags for concern.

Common concerns about root canals during pregnancy

Expectant mothers weighing whether to undergo root canal work during pregnancy commonly raise concerns about the potential risks of anesthesia and medication usage associated with this kind of procedure. 

These worries stem from considerations over how their actions might impact the development of their unborn child. Yet it should be reassuring to know that local anesthesia typically poses low danger levels since little enters into circulation through its localized application system. 

Women may also fret about exposure to radiation from dental X-rays taken during treatment; these scans are normally essential for diagnosing oral issues correctly and planning precise interventions but prudence would dictate minimizing exposure wherever possible, particularly during the initial trimester (a period when fetal organs rapidly take shape). And if there is no way to avoid ordering an X-ray, certain precautions are recommended such as using protective attire or equipment like custom-made aprons adapted specifically for such environments.

Finally, some women voice anxieties over undergoing any sort of dental procedures while expecting. The extra tension associated with visiting the dentist for treatment can add stress atop the physical ordeal of bringing new life into the world – but equally important is bearing in mind that untreated oral problems can also lead to discomfort and even worse anxiety levels. Tackling these difficulties head-on through interventions such as root canal work could potentially reduce overall stress loads and improve well-being prospects across the board.

Benefits of getting a root canal during pregnancy

Most elective dental treatment should be avoided during pregnancy. However, there are several benefits associated with root canal therapy during pregnancy that you cannot afford to ignore either. 

The procedure can quickly alleviate intense tooth pains, thus enabling you to focus better on your emotional and physical wellness when needed most. 

Additionally, preserving natural teeth with root canal procedures as opposed to getting them extracted comes with its own set of benefits too.Tooth extraction during pregnancy could lead to nutritional deficiencies due to problems with being able to eat or chew normally. Extraction can also impact surrounding teeth, adversely posing a risk of future dental problems that may arise for pregnant women. 

By opting for root canal procedures, it ensures oral function is maintained.  As well, common dental health issues can be eradicated on top of maintaining one's appearance which has major significance towards sustaining self-confidence–especially in periods like this where tremendous changes occur.

Precautions and Considerations for pregnant women seeking root canals

If undergoing root-canal therapy while pregnant seems necessary, proper communication with both your dentist and healthcare provider regarding any medical concerns is paramount.  Some general precautionary advice applies specifically to expectant mothers looking into this procedure:

It's advisable that non-urgent dental treatments are delayed until past their first trimester when internal organs have either fully formed or stabilized.

Procedures involving local anesthesia are typically considered safe whilst pregnant but dosage amounts should be adjusted accordingly as needed. On the other hand, nitrous oxide or "laughing gas" administration is not recommended when pregnant. 

To limit exposure to radiation, lead aprons for abdominal and thyroid protection should be used. 

Medications that could assist with potential infections such as antibiotics might be necessary before or after undergoing root-canal therapy while pregnant; dental professionals should be notified of any impairments due to pregnancy beforehand carefully.

Root Canal Therapy in Temple

While research on the safety of root canals for pregnant women is limited, available evidence suggests that they can be performed safely, provided appropriate precautions are taken.

Maintaining good dental health during pregnancy is essential, and root canals can be an effective treatment option to alleviate severe tooth pain and save teeth from extraction. However, it is important to communicate openly with your dentist and healthcare provider, who can provide personalized advice based on your specific situation. To learn more, contact us at 254-778-4400.

How Long Does a Root Canal Last?

When a tooth has a severe infection or a damaged root, sometimes the best treatment procedure is a root canal. Despite their reputation, root canals are a safe and largely painless procedure thanks to modern dental practices and anesthesia. Do you need root canal treatment and are wondering how long it will last?

With proper care and good crown coverage on the tooth, a root canal treated tooth may last you a lifetime and you may not need additional treatment. Here are the top factors and other things to consider that will impact the effectiveness and longevity of your root canal treatment:

What factors affect the lifespan of a tooth after a root canal?

The goal of a root canal treatment is to excavate infected pulp, purulence, and other infectious substances in order to preserve as much of your original tooth as possible. As a result, there are several different factors to consider that can impact the overall effectiveness of your root canal treatment, including:

How can I extend the lifespan of a tooth after a root canal?

Proper oral hygiene is the best way to extend the lifespan of your tooth after root canal treatment. Make sure you do the following to maximize the effectiveness of treatment:

Do I need a dental crown after a root canal?

In order to save your tooth, most root canal treatments involve drilling through the top of your tooth to get at the infection inside. In some instances, your endodontist may recommend seeing a dentist for a dental crown after treatment, especially for teeth that have been greatly weakened from decay.

Just like a root canal, a dental crown typically lasts 10 to 15 years, though with proper oral care they can last much longer such as 20 or even 30 years. This dental cap is placed on the top, or the crown, of your tooth to cover up the exposed portions inside, which is why it is often paired with root canal treatments. Be sure to consult your endodontist if you need a dental crown as a follow up to your root canal treatment.

Get root canal treatment from Heart Of Texas Endodontics

Looking for an experienced endodontist in or near Temple, Texas? For professional root canals and other endodontic treatments, including root canal therapy, check out Heart of Texas Endodontics. With over 20 years of practice, our experienced team of endodontics have performed over 20,000 root canals. We use state-of-the-art technology combined with best sedation practices for effective and painless treatment to save our patient’s natural teeth.
So if you want to schedule an appointment or learn more about our effective and long-lasting root canal treatment, make sure to contact us at Heart of Texas Endodontics.

How Does An Endodontist Repair A Cracked Tooth?

A cracked tooth is a relatively common occurrence. Cracks can develop in teeth from a variety of causes, but the good news is that cracked teeth can often be saved. In many cases it is possible to permanently repair a cracked tooth so that it lasts for the rest of your life. 

If you have a cracked tooth, you may be wondering if it can be saved and how an endodontist will repair it. Here’s what you can expect when it comes to treatment for a cracked tooth. 

Types of Cracks in Teeth and Treatment 

There are different types of cracks that can form in teeth, and the type may determine whether or not the tooth can be saved. 

What is a Root Canal?

A fractured or cracked tooth will often need a root canal to protect the health of the tooth from the inside out. Inside each tooth is a chamber called the root canal that contains dental pulp, soft tissue made up of blood vessels and nerves. When a crack in a tooth goes deep enough, it can reach the root canal and expose the dental pulp to bacteria, resulting in an infection. 

A root canal can treat or prevent a tooth infection by removing the dental pulp from the tooth and filling the root canal with a biocompatible material. This fortifies the tooth and removes the portion that is susceptible to infection. 

What is a Dental Crown? 

A dental crown is a tooth-shaped cap that is placed over a damaged tooth. When a crack forms in a tooth, a crown is the best restoration option because it prevents the crack from worsening. A crack can sometimes be patched with composite material, but there is a chance that the crack will deepen and lengthen, resulting in a split tooth that is untreatable. 

To prepare for a crown, the existing tooth enamel is reduced, which removes the portion that is cracked. The crown is placed over the remaining tooth enamel, allowing the natural root of the tooth to stay in place for support. 

How Will I Know If I Have a Cracked Tooth?

If the crack is not visible to the naked eye, it can be harder to tell if your tooth is cracked. An endodontist has specialized training and tools to determine if a crack exists that needs to be treated.  A patient can look for the following symptoms of a cracked tooth:

What To Do If You Think You Have a Cracked Tooth

If you experience any of the above symptoms, contact Heart of Texas Endodontics. As an endodontic practice, we specialize in the health of teeth from the inside out. Providing treatment for cracked teeth is one of our primary services. We make it our goal to save your teeth whenever possible, providing prompt treatment to prevent cracks from worsening and becoming untreatable. 

Call 254-778-4400 or contact us today to learn more and schedule an appointment.